This is an interdisciplinary project:
  • Technology 3º ESO (Secondary)
  • Sciences 6º EPO (Primary)
  • Sciences 4º ESO (Secondary)
3º ESO students researched on different topics related to petroleum, electricity, plastics and textiles and they created a poster. All the posters were uploaded to a padlet  and they assessed their peers'. At the end of the project they will understand the link between the topics. The project will finish next term (when studying plastics deeply)

6º EPO students came to 3º ESO classrooms to learn about those topics. We divided the class into 8 groups. Each group was in charge of one or two related topics. Younger students rotated (they spent 5 or 10 minutes  in each group) and finally we played a plickers (real-time assessment tool). See photos on this post

Both subjects are included in the bilingual program that is the reason why English was the main language used. 

4º ESO students, following the scientific method steps, performed two experiments related to plastics: superabsorbent nappy polymer and how to obtain bioplastic from milk. The experiment procedure, results and the enrichment  activities done by these students will be used as learning resources in Technology. 

WHAT do students have to do? HOW? WHEN? 
WHY do students have to research on those topics?

Click here to read the project overview


Photos taken during the interdisciplinary activity.
 3º ESO students showed their posters to 6º EPO students and they shared experiences and knowledge. 

Hecho con Padlet


Posters created using different tools: canvas, genially, power point, scratch, handmade...

Each student was assigned one topic. Following the instructions, he/she research on the Internet and finally he/she created a poster using one of the tools suggested by the teacher. 

Finally, they assessed their peers' posters

See topics in the overview file 

Hecho con Padlet

Hecho con Padlet


The following conceptual diagram helps students to see how topics are related. Each marker hides the links to some of the related posters made by the pupils. 
It will be used at the end of the project.